- Instead of yelling, we speak quietly.
- Instead of cursing, we compliment.
- Instead of taking, we give.
- Instead of worrying, we awaken certainty and take charge.
- Instead of fearing, we conjure up courage.
- Instead of seeking revenge, we offer forgiveness.
- Instead of blaming, we become accountable.
- Instead of playing the victim, we hold ourselves responsible.
- Instead of merely coping with a problem, we seek to cure it.
- Instead of complaining, we start appreciating.
- Instead of looking for the negative in a situation, we find the positive.
- Instead of judging others, we look for the good in them.
- Instead of gossiping and bad-mouthing others, we change the subject, or we simply walk away.
- Instead of listing reasons why life is so unfair, we start counting our blessings.
- Instead of calculating how something will benefit us, we figure out a way to ensure that the other party benefits.
Every thought, every impulse, every reactive emotion that ignites in our minds caused by the ego, is the tool of the Opponent. Those thoughts and emotions do not belong to us. We only think they do. In fact, the only time we make contact with our soul and true happiness is when we resist those thoughts.
When we recognize the voice of the ego as the voice of the Opponent, we can then do something profound: the opposite of what the ego tells us to do. When we oppose the ego's bidding, we are no longer receiving. We are sharing.
Let's now see in more practical terms what it means to receive, what it means to share, and what it means to do the opposite of what the Opponent is compelling us to do.